How To Manage Your Money

Savings Account

Get your parents to open a savings account for you, where you can put money in but can’t take any out unless your parents release it. Doing this can help you save money better for that little something that you want. You also get the intrest from the money you put in making you get more money than you put in overtime.

Think before you buy

Before buying something, really think, do I need this? Think about (if it’s clothes), will I wear this? Especially before buying more expensive things. With your parents and your own money you never know when something you might

really like may come along so really take a minute to think about if you

you want it or not.


Look for deals on the internet. To help be more aware of saving or to save more, take a look if there’s any time periods where it may be the cheapest or a place specifically where it could be the cheapest. In some places you may get one hoodie for $150 but in other places you could get 2 for $150.

Bring your own food

Another good way to save some money is spend less on food at the school. Make your own lunches instead of buying things at your school canteen and this can actually help save a lot of money.